func X3.EN_JSON_GET_VALUE(Clbfile JSON_IN, Char KEY_IN) : Clbfile

Used to retrieve the value of a KEY_IN key, of a Json JSON_IN.

  • JSON_IN Clbfile The clob containing the Json
  • KEY_IN Alpha The key to retrieve
Return Clbfile Clob containing the value associated with the key :
  • Strings "string" > string
  • Dates "ISODate("2021-01-16T21:42:42.132Z")" > 2021-01-16T21:42:42.132Z
  • Numerics 2.30 > 2.30
  • Booleans true : true
  • Collections [{},{}] > [{},{}]
  • Json {} > {}
  • Null null > null

# Opening the json file description of the current solution folders
Local Clbfile JSON(8)
Openi filpath("","FOLDERS","json","X3_PUB") Using [FIC]
Iomode adxifs '' Using [FIC] : Iomode adxirs '' Using [FIC] : Iomode adxium 8 Using [FIC]
Rdseq [L]JSON Using [FIC] : Openi Using [FIC]
# Displays the name of the current solution
Infbox func X3.EN_JSON_GET_VALUE([L]JSON, "solution")