func X3.EN_JSON_GET_TYPE(Clbfile JSON_IN, Char KEY_IN) : Char

Retrieves the type of a key value

  • JSON_IN Clbfile The Json in which to look for the value
  • KEY_IN Char Name of the key to search for
Return Char Returns one of the following values:
  • b : boolean (true, false)
  • a : alphanumeric (SageX3, L.V. expertise X3)
  • n : numeric (10, 1.23)
  • d : date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
  • c : collection ([{},{}])
  • t : tableau (["",""])
  • j : json ({...})
  • o : BinData
  • i : ObjectId
  • u : NumberInt
  • z : not determined (not found or null)