func X3.EN_DEV_VALIDATE(Char TYPE_IN, Char NAME_IN, Char FOLDER_IN) : Tinyint

Validate an X3 element (Process, screen, window, ...)

  • TYPE_IN Char Type d'élément à valider
    • "TRT" : Script
    • "ACN" : Consulting
    • "AMK" : Screen
    • "AOB" : Object
    • "ATB" : Table
    • "AVW" : View
    • "AWI" : Window
  • NAME_IN Char Name of the element to be validated
  • FOLDER_IN Char Name of the folder on which to perform the validation (default: current folder)
Return Tinyint 1 if successful and 0 if not

If the script exists, it will be compiled and the function will return 1